Nepal Mountain Mobile hospital

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Autumn has come round again and we are getting ready again to go to Nepal for new camps and other activities. Although we had no surgery camps last spring that does not mean that the NMMH was inactive.

In fact, the NMMH organised and paid for training courses for nurses working in health sectore jobs in remote regions where there are no doctors. In these health centres many births take place without any way of detecting pregnancies at risk. Similarly Caesarian sectioons  are impossible to carry out. The death rate for mother and child is 100 times that in the West.

7 sessions of three weeks for 12 nurses each time have been organised in the West of Nepal. Theoretical and prac tical courses wer run by specialists in ultrasound. Each nurse was able to return to her health centre with a diploma and equipped with a portable ultrasound machine. These machines were offered by a Nepalese Foundation and a Canadian Foundation. Pregnant women at risk may now be sent in time to a district hopital where Caesarians are practised. The training of one nurse costs around 500 euros. This covers transport costs from  their remote region to a big town in the South, their accommodation and the courses themselves.

The NMMH hopes to extend this type of training in the East so as to cover all the remote regions.

The NMMH has also participated in the progressive introduction of telemedecine in Nepal. This includes participation in the software, a software specifically adapted to Nepalese geography and medical structure.